Sunday, December 4, 2011

BLOG # 5

I would invest $ 1 million dollars to a foundation called teleton it is located in mexico.  The teleton helps Mexican children with disability free of charge. Every year for the last fifteen years they have been doing an event to fundraise money every year they collect thousands of million pesos just enough to open a crit (teleton children's rehabilitation center) in a different city in Mexico. They just recently started helping children with cancer and their treatment is also free of charge . They still have a lot of work ahead of them but they want to establish one of their center in every city they can. I think they would benefit from the money because they might be able to open two rehab center with all the equipment it needs it will help a lot of families that do not have the money to pay for the treatment their child needs. They have been so many cases from where a child could not a single limb and after being treated in the crit they can even walk and sometimes talk. children from all over the world are accepted into these centers and I know this would help the children so much and improve their life, and their parents do not have to worry about the expenses and have their child treated by best doctors, therapists,and equipment.

BLOG # 7

If I could introduce a new idea to a primitive culture it would be the importance of hygiene. I would teach them the importance of hygiene and how it can improve their health. It would also help in decreasing illness . Hygiene is important because it prevent many diseases. I would teach them the importance of keeping their homes clean free of germs. hygiene can improve their children life style. I would also introduce the idea of modern medication. their is so many diseases that can be cured thanks to medication and they do not know about it. It would improve their society. 

BLOG # 9

If I was given the authority to establish a holiday I would commemorate women's suffrage. I would like to commemorate this day because this is the day women were granted the same rights as a man. Everybody celebrate the 4th of July but when the independence was signed they were only doing it to the benefit of men. celebrating this gives more importance to the women right to vote if the nineteenth amendment was not passed then we would not be treated equally. The celebration would be like a normal day just acknowledging the importance of women suffrage. Being able to vote gives our country balance because then men would only make laws that benefit only them. This is why I would choose to commemorate women suffrage.

BLOG # 10

The best advice I have received is to follow my dream of becoming a lawyer even if my family is not economically. My family is always telling me to work really hard in school because that is the only thing that will take me somewhere in life. I know understand why they are always so interested in me having good grades or being placed in advanced classes. Doing great in school is important because I can apply for scholarships and be approved to my dream university even if my family can not pay for my education. I learned that studying hard is really important because I am the only one that can help in getting to my goal    nobody else  can help me get passing grades. Many people take education for granted and do not realize that after high school you still have to keep on going and it is not free as it has always been. My brother graduated six years ago and he was a great student but he started slacking off his to last years in high school and he chose not to attend college. I do not want to become the adult he is. My brother and his family have to live with my dad because he does not have a stable job. I want to be a successful adult that can sustain my family with my job. I know understand the importance of education and why the best advice I have received is to stay in school and do great at what ever I set my mind on.  

BLOG # 11

A question that a university may not ask me is How was it being raised only by your mom with no other economic source? Personally I could not have asked for a better mom without her I would not be what I am now. My mom is a strong, hard working, independent women. She had to work long shifts just to get us by every month. When we first came to the U.S. we were staying with our uncle because my mom still could not pay for rent. She has worked as a medical driver, in this job she had to work extra hour just so that she could start paying for rent, I remember that she would wake up earlier than us at four in the morning and have my brother drive us to school and then come home until six in the afternoon.Even in difficult time were she did not have work I do not know how she did it but she still had money to provide us with a place to sleep in and food in our table. My mom always finds time for us, she is always supporting us in our decisions. Yes when we need scolding she put us back in to place. My mom is the best person I have ever met she has supported us both emotionally and economically we could not have asked for a better mother.

BLOG # 12

My movie starts when I am born into a family of three in San Diego California. It was only my older brother and me for almost two years until my mom became pregnant with my younger sister. My family lives in Tijuana but when my dad leaves, my mom decides we should go live to San Diego. I start my first grade in Montgomery Elementary school. While I was there I made great friends and teachers that helped me to go through the process of learning English as my second language. My dad comes back but my parents get divorced but we see my dad almost three times a moth sometimes more but we have to go Tijuana to see him because he is not allowed into the United States.After six year of being there I am promoted to Castle Park Middle School it was a scary change because I started alone even though I was with friends. After a little while I started to love my new school. In my second year of  middle school I become part of  a club known as the associated student body (A.S.B.) in this club I made great friends. I can say that being part of this is one of the best decisions I have made in my life. This is what I think would be my first fifteen minutes of the movie of my life.

Friday, December 2, 2011

BLOG # 13

Dear roommate,

Hello my name is Amanda Rodriguez . I am looking forward to meeting you and spending next year with you. I hope we become great friends. Well let me tell you a little about my self I was born and raised for the most part in Chula Vista, CA. My favorite color is blue. I love dancing I actually was in an academy but it closed down. I also play water polo best sport I have ever tried so far. My aspiration in life has always been the same become a successful lawyer. My family consists of five members, I live with my  mom and younger sister Maria. My dad lives in Tijuana, Mexico I go visit him as much as I can. My older brother already has his own family his wife and daughter they also live in Tijuana. Fatima my niece is the best little person I know she is so cute. I have a dog named chucho he is a mixed breed but he is the cutest fur ball you will ever see. Sometime in my life I would love to visit Europe, especially London. As hobbies I have reading and listening to all genres of music mostly pop.I am so excited to start college its always been my dream to go. I am going to be the first one in my family  to be attending. Harry Potter and The Twilight Saga are the best movies I have ever seen.Well I think this is a brief description of me, I will not tell you everything because when we meet you would all ready know me. Thank you for your time and I look forward to becoming great friend with you.
                                                                                       Yours sincerely,
                                                                  your soon to be roommate Amanda Rodriguez